Monday, April 18, 2016

Legislative: Guidelines for Contacting Your Legislators

Lois Callahan

2015-2016 National Legislative Ambassador

As reports come in, I can see that many of you have promoted and worked the Legislative Program.  As we approach the election of officers and the appointment of new chairmen, our work within this program should not cease. Instead, we should continue to visit with and contact our legislators as the advocates and voices of our veterans. 

The VFW Washington Office has provided guidelines for contacting your legislators. I have summarized some of those guidelines below and hope they will help you in your continued efforts. 

  • State the purpose for writing in the first sentence of your correspondence. 
  • If your letter pertains to a specific piece of legislation, identify and address it correctly:   
    • House bills are H.R. _____.
    • Senate bills are designated as S. _____.
  • Always be courteous and polite.
  • You may include personal information about why this legislation is important to you.
  • When corresponding with the Chair of a Committee or the Speaker of the House, address them as follows: 

                        Dear Mr. Chairman or Madam Chairwoman
                        Dear Mr. Speaker or Madam Speaker

As always, I thank you for all you have done and all you will continue to do for this program, our organization and our veterans.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Hospital: Plan a "Spring Fling" for Hospitalized Veterans

Grace Matz
2015-2016 National Hospital Ambassador

Spring has finally arrived! While many (myself included) are still bundled up and see that white stuff fall from the sky (in April!), we know (and hope!) that warmer weather is right around the corner.

Plan a “Spring Fling” to boost the morale of those who have been confined in a facility all winter. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to brighten someone’s life or hospital room. Dollar stores have lots of artificial flowers that would bring color and the feeling of spring to a room.

When the weather allows, many of our members volunteer to help take patients outside for a breath of fresh air. It’s the perfect time to recruit a new volunteer to join in the fun. And many facilities have a small garden, pathways, or a park-like setting. Some even have a barbecue area. Check to see what’s available and plan a small social gathering. You’ll find yourself reaping as many rewards as the patients!

As we near the end of this program year, let’s review what we’ve done:

1. Recruited a new volunteer
2. Planned an activity in a hospital
3. Recognized your volunteers
4. Participated in Veterans Voices
5. Distributed information about Veteran and Military Suicide Awareness

If you’ve done any or all of the above – Thank You! 

Our volunteers are the best and I’m so proud of everything you’re doing for this program and our veterans. Our work will continue because there are still needs to be met. It’s through all your selfless hours of giving that allows us to make a difference in the lives of so many veterans.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Chief of Staff: It's April - Time for Auxiliary Elections!

Barbara Melnick
2015-2016 National Chief of Staff/Extension

Five Essential Requirements to Maintain Status as a VFW Auxiliary:

1.      Elect and install officers for the current year in accordance with Sec. 806A.
2.      Hold at least ten (10) business meetings per year and a quorum (five) members in good standing) shall be present. (See Section 210 and 212)
3.      Bond the offices of President and Treasurer not later than August 31 of the current year. (See Section 814)
4.      Quarterly audits shall be completed in compliance with Section 814.
5.      Dues shall be transmitted on at least 10 members by February 1 of the current year. (See Section 207).

April is a very important month for all Auxiliaries. Be familiar on voting procedures; see the Booklet of Instructions – Election of Officers or the Ritual.

1.      Auxiliary Officers shall be elected by written ballot, if more than one candidate.

This is the time of year to inform new members on how an Auxiliary works. Hopefully you will get your VFW Post members involved as well. We can work wonders by working together!

Remember – A member shall not be in good standing until their dues have been paid by June 30 to remain a continuous member.
·         Prior year’s dues may not be paid after July 1.
·         Any member who has not maintained continuous membership shall submit an application and be accepted in the same manner as a new member.
·         Continuous membership begins again upon payment of dues.

Also, remember that when you institute an Auxiliary, it does not stop there! You or someone that you designate should follow up with those Auxiliary members and ask if they have any questions. Mentoring is not an overnight project; it is something that you stick with and nurture, and watch those Auxiliaries and members grow.

Every month at your meetings, read a few sections of the Bylaws to familiarize the new members and some of your longtime members. Go over the areas of:
·         How to Drape the Charter
·         Bringing a guest into the Auxiliary room
·         How to proceed in opening and closing the Bible
·         Different floor plans

Make it fun for all members attending; have a member not holding an office role play in the Chaplain duties. Maybe that will be their niche and show them how easy it is to take an office. That is mentoring - keeping your members interested and involved.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Membership: Keep it Up, America! You're Doing Great!

Joyce Bilyeu
2015-2016 National Membership Ambassador

WAY TO GO AMERICA:  We are less than three percent (3%) away from breaking a 22 year membership record of being 100%. We still have 3 months to go and I know with your continued dedication to the growth of this organization we will go beyond that goal. You have clearly sent the message to the world that our organization, and especially our veterans, matter; that our veterans did not give up on us and we DO NOT intend to give up on them. Just keep moving forward and remember that there is “No Excuse…….Just Recruit for “Our Veterans Now and Forever.”

NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP WEEK IS APRIL 10-16: You should have plans in place on what your Department will be doing to promote membership during this special week. Make sure to go to the National VFW Auxiliary website to print out all the UPDATED membership materials and resources that you might need to help with your recruiting and retention efforts.  Work with your Department’s National Certified Recruiter Trainer to assist with your recruitment efforts.

CONGRATULATIONS:  To each Department who has reached the 95% or greater milestone. Your Department will receive $500 for your recruitment efforts.

I personally thank you for your commitment to keeping your pledge in growing our organization.  In addition, congratulations go out to ALL Departments. You are all doing amazing and I know that we are all going to cross that (100% in membership) finish line together, united, as one team, working to grow our organization in order to serve our veterans and their families.

Our next milestone is to be 100+% by May 31, 2016 in order to receive $1,000 for your Department. I know all 51 Departments will earn this award.

100+% in Membership by May 31, 2016               Award = $1,000
101+ % in Membership by June 30, 2016                 $500 Bonus Award

MALE MEMBERSHIP:  So far you have all recruited nearly 16,000 males into our organization. The Department of Pennsylvania is leading the way with a total of 2,502 male members recruited. I am confident that by June 30th, you will have recruited more than 20,000 men into our organization. 

IMPORTANT REMINDER:  If continuous members’ dues are NOT paid in full by June 30th they are no longer a member of our organization. They will need to reapply and will lose any prior years of membership that they had with the VFW Auxiliary. This is something we DO NOT want to happen. Please call those members and see what can be done to keep them current. We need all the members we can to help support our veterans and their families.

·         Membership Week Promotion Award:  Remember that there is an award to the Department Membership Chairman in each membership group for the best promotion of National Membership Week. Please send me your information in order to receive recognition.
·         Symbol of Service Award:  One person will receive this very special award for the most new members recruited by May 31, 2016. Don’t forget to send in the necessary forms stating how many members you have recruited. The award will be presented at the 2016 VFW Auxiliary National Convention.
·         National Membership Achievement Award:  This is for the recruitment of 20 or more NEW members by April 30, 2016. Forms are due to National Headquarters by May 31, 2016.
·         “No Excuse…I Recruit Pin”: This for the recruitment of 5 or more NEW members. Forms are due at National Headquarters by May 31, 2016.

GREATEST AWARD OF ALL:  This award is about having the satisfaction of knowing that you are a part of something much greater than money or material things. It is about the satisfaction of knowing that YOU are making a difference in the lives of veterans and their families. It’s about being a part of an organization nearly 500,000 members strong who share a common goal of serving veterans, their families and our communities.

Remember: No Excuse…..Just Recruit!

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Celebrating 70 Years with Veterans Affairs Voluntary Services

Cara Day
Director of Programs & Communications
National Headquarters

This year the VA is celebrating the chartering of the Veterans Affairs Voluntary Services (VAVS), the formal system for volunteers to serve veterans in VA facilities. The VFW Auxiliary is a charter member of the VAVS and one of the largest providers of volunteers, hours and donations in the country. Hundreds of organizations participate in VAVS, but our members are a key partner with the VA in filling in the gaps to serve veterans.

May 4-6, 2016, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the National Advisory Committee (NAC), which is the voting body of the VAVS, will come together for its annual meeting. In addition to the wonderful sessions and workshops for volunteers, Representatives and Deputy Representatives and VA staff, VAVS will commemorate the 70 years that have fulfilled the needs of veterans nationwide in VA facilities.

I will attend that event as your National Representative along with National President Francisca Guilford and our Certifying Official Connie Wahlen. It is truly a wonderful learning experience every year. We hear from great speakers, attend informative workshops and get to know the other great organizations and volunteers.

This conference is open to anyone who is a part of the VAVS system. If you are a volunteer, Representative or Deputy Representative, you should consider coming. I promise you will learn a lot and be inspired in a hundred ways to go back and continue this wonderful part of who we are as an organization.

Learn about the conference here:

When I get back, I’ll be sure to put together a review of my time there. Thank you to all our amazing hospital volunteers! You are making a HUGE difference in the lives of veterans!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Youth Activities: Youth Go Above and Beyond For Our Veterans

Joan Penney
2015-2016 National Youth Activities Ambassador

I know I say the same thing every month: that I am blown away with how our youth go above and beyond working for our veterans! And every time I think I can’t be more impressed another future leader is brought to my attention. I have got to share my latest finds with you! 

This information comes from Youth Trumpets and Taps Corps:
When Katie Prior learned that at many veterans’ funerals a tape recording of Taps is played, instead of a live performance, she decided a change was needed so veterans could get the distinguished tribute they deserve. She recruited her fellow trumpet players in her homeschool band, local high schools, and the Oklahoma Youth Orchestras to use their gifts to serve others. Katie is addressing the shortage of military buglers as her leadership project for the Gold Award, the highest recognition for achievement that a Girl Scout can receive. For more information please click here:

I know there are countless examples of youth working for veterans, but sometimes we need a gentle reminder of the importance of veterans, which is exactly what Buzz Williams, the Virginia Tech men's basketball coach opted to do for his players. He brought in a group of military veterans to teach his team the importance of standing at attention for the national anthem. The coach had his players stand behind the sideline chairs with the veterans standing in front of the chairs while delivering this message:
“These guys, when they were your age, interrupted their life, they paused their education, they changed their career, they gave their life for those chairs. So when the anthem is played, we’re going to stand like grown men and we’re going to honor men like this that gave their life so we can have a chair to sit in.”  
Watch the video here:

Thank you for sharing all the wonderful things youth are doing for our nation's veterans! Don't forget to thank them for their support of veterand and their families with the Youth Groups Supporting Our Veterans Citation. Click here to request the citation from National Headquarters.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Veterans & Family Support: Clip Campbell's Labels for Education® and Help the VFW National Home Earn a Minivan!

Laurie Dale 
2015-2016 National Veterans & Family Support Ambassador

Clip Campbell's Labels for Education® and Help the VFW National Home Earn a Minivan!

The VFW National Home for Children has 14 weeks to collect the last 184,485 Campbell’s Labels for Education® UPC’s needed to earn their seventh (yes, seventh!) minivan. In order to earn a minivan, they must turn in 1.6 million UPC points by July 31, 2016. At the time this blog was posted, they had turned in just over 1.4 UPC million points.

Why do they only have 14 weeks to collect the points? Because on August 1, 2016 the Campbell’s Labels for Education program as we know it will end.

As of August 1, 2016 only the items with a LFE logo will be accepted as points into a registered school’s account. Schools may continue to submit UPCs and Beverage/Sauce Caps of any participating product through July 31, 2016. During the 2016-2017 school year and beyond, Campbell’s will continue to honor labels only from schools currently registered with the program. They will remove the Labels for Education logo mid-2016 (below) and expect there will be a limited number of products that contain these labels in stores through 2017.

For the past 42 years, the Campbell’s Labels for Education has contributed more than $110 million in school supplies to tens of thousands of schools across the U.S. By saving and redeeming product UPCs and Beverage/Sauce Caps from participating products, schools could earn FREE educational merchandise such as computers, software, sports equipment, musical instruments, library books and even a minivan! Since 2004, the National Home has collected nearly 8 million (yes, 8 MILLION!!!) UPC points and earned six minivans through this generous program.

Your help is needed in order for them to earn a seventh minivan! The families at the National Home know they can count on our VFW and VFW Auxiliary members to help them reach their goal! Keep clipping and sending your Labels for Education to:

VFW National Home for Children
3573 S. Waverly Road
Eaton Rapids, MI 48827

They will be grateful to receive any and all support!!

Click here for a list of participating products: 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Scholarships: Do It Now!!!

Kim Lewis
2015-2016 National Scholarships Ambassador

The program year is drawing to a close for our scholarship contests. The deadline for entry of the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest is less than two weeks away! Have you followed up with the students you’ve contacted about entering this scholarship contest? If not, DO IT NOW! Art is due to local VFW Auxiliaries by March 31st!

  • Please be sure you have the full contact information (phone number, e-mail address and mailing address) for each student entering the Young American Creative Patriotic Art to enable you to return the artwork if it does not make it any higher than Department judging.  
  • If a teacher is the one submitting the artwork, their personal full contact information (phone number, e-mail address and mailing address), since by the time the artwork is returned, the students might already be out of school for the year.  
  • Unless the student has said you can keep their artwork for display, possibly in your post home, the entries are to go back to them. 
  • Provide the student with YOUR full contact information (phone number, e-mail address and mailing address)  so they will know who to contact to get their artwork returned.


  • If you have not yet held an event to recognize your Scholarships award winners, DO IT NOW!
  • If you have not yet sent an article to your local newspaper about your Scholarships award winners, DO IT NOW!  

Report how many VFW Auxiliary members helped with, and how much time was spent on all of our scholarships contests (Continuing Education, Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest, Patriot's Pen and Voice of Democracy), including:

  • Distribution of brochures
  • Selection of judges
  • Setting up for judging
  • Sharing information on social media
  • Publicizing scholarship contests in the media (i.e. press releases to local papers, etc.)
  • Hosting or helping with a scholarship awards ceremony or recognition event
It is extremely important to report your Auxiliary's efforts to your Department’s Scholarship Chairman. Be sure you and your Auxiliary get the credit for the great work you do! Remember, every member, every hour and every dollar reported rolls up to information for next year’s VFW Auxiliary Fact Sheet that shows what great work this organization does. Your report matters. DO IT NOW!

Please remember to consider donations for the Patriot’s Pen Scholarship Fund. In the 2014-2015 year, the VFW awarded $46,000 in National Scholarship funds to 46 of 54 Department winners. In the 2015-2016 year, the VFW awarded $50,500 in National Scholarship funds to all 54 Department winners. Voluntary donations of any amount to help fully fund scholarships for all future Department winners can be sent to the VFW earmarked Patriot’s Pen Scholarships contribution. Donations to this fund should be reported to the Department Chairman as participation even if your VFW Auxiliary did not work the Patriot’s Pen Scholarship or receive an entry. 

On a personal note, I want to let all of you know the Voice of Democracy Department winners are an outstanding group of young men and women. The five days I spent with them in Washington, D.C. was an experience of a lifetime. We all learned so much about our nation’s history at numerous museums, War Memorials and the Capitol. The 54 students were inquisitive, observant and energized. It was wonderful to see so much pride and patriotism in young people. There are many future leaders of our country in that group!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Legislative: All Politics Are Local

Lois Callahan
2015-2016 National Legislative Ambassador

The Veterans of Foreign Wars recently held its annual Legislative Conference in Washington D.C. How wonderful it was to see so many members, both VFW and Auxiliary, in attendance. 

Speaking out on behalf of our veterans, making the issues understood and providing information to our Legislators was made all the easier by arming ourselves with the VFW Priority Goals and the VFW Talking Points.

Interacting with members of Senate and Congress is vitally important to ensure passage of key legislation which will improve the lives of our military, veterans and their families.  Mr. Bob Wallace, Director of the VFW Washington Office, reminds us, however, that all politics are local

The sharing of information that’s happening at the national level should be happening at the local level as well. The VFW Priority Goals and VFW TalkingPaper/Fact Sheet are valuable tools which can assist you in your everyday interactions at city, county and state levels of government. These important tools are easily accessed through the VFW and the VFW Auxiliary websites. 

While you are advocating for our veterans, don’t forget to sign up members and your family and friends for the VFW Action Corp Weekly enewsletter. Anyone who is interested in veteran’s issues will appreciate this informative weekly enewsletter.      

Learn more about the VFW's legislative efforts and how you can take action here:

Monday, March 14, 2016

Hospital: YOU Can Be the Person to Make the Difference!

Grace Matz
2015-2016 National Hospital Ambassador

Veteran & Military Suicide Awareness

For those of you who attended Mid-Year Conference in Punta Cana, you heard me tell everyone how the information for Veteran & Military Suicide Awareness enabled me to “practice what I preach.”

If you think you’ll never use the information, think again. I never really thought I’d have to personally deal with the issue of suicide, but you never know when someone will come into your life that needs your help. I was so grateful that I knew of resources that could help the person in need.

I strongly urge everyone to carry the Veterans Crisis Line card with you. It’s the size of a credit card and will fit easily in a wallet, purse or pocket. They are available for free through the Suicide Prevention Coordinator at all VA Medical Facilities. You’ll be prepared and have it available if your path does cross with someone who needs it.

Additional resources, including fliers, fact sheets, gun safety information and social media content can be found at

Remember, you never know when YOU can be the one person to make the difference!

March Holidays

This month we have St. Patrick’s Day and Easter. Have you made plans to share one or both of these holidays at a hospital or nursing home? Let your imagination run wild.

  • Visit a nursing home or hospital and give out “pots of gold”. You can get a small favor bag and fill it with gold foil-wrapped candy. 
  • Ask your Youth Activities Chairman to contact a classroom or youth group to make shamrocks and write little notes on them to give out. 
  • Have plenty of plastic Easter eggs filled with treats in your basket as you will definitely bring lots of smiles.

Visit the National Organization’s Pinterest Page “All About Spring & Easter” for more great ideas including games, decorating ideas and tray favors.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Chief of Staff/Extension: Ways to Keep the Momentum

Barbara Melnick
2015-2016 National Chief of Staff/Extension

Go, go, go!!! Everyone is so close to being 100%+ and some are already beyond that. We are so close to increasing our overall national membership for the first time in two decades.  We can’t stop now.  NOW is the time to keep the momentum going.

Some ways to keep up the momentum…
  • There are several holidays coming up that are great opportunities to call members, invite them to come to an event or service project, get to know them and get them involved. Think about ways to get your members “jazzed” about the Auxiliary at events around the following holidays:
    • St. Patrick’s Day (Thursday, March 17)
    • Easter (Sunday, March 27)
    • Vietnam Veterans Day (March 29-30)
    • Gold Star Wives Day (Tuesday, April 5)
    • Loyalty Day (Sunday, May 1)
  • Send out the Healthy Auxiliary Questionnaire from the Healthy VFW Auxiliary Toolkit to all your Auxiliary members that don’t attend meetings, find out why they don’t come and do something about it! There are various reasons members don’t come to meetings, some of which are out of our control. But, adjusting things that we can control (like changing meeting days/times, providing childcare and more) often lead to increased participation and ultimately, a healthier Auxiliary. 
  • Call and/or write a note to members who haven’t been to a meeting for more than six (6) months and let them know they are missed and invite them to the next meeting and/or event. A call and/or note is more personal than an e-mail or text message and not everyone has e-mailing or texting available to them. 
  • Make mentoring a priority in your Auxiliary. Read the VFW Auxiliary Mentoring Guide and think about how you can be an effective mentor in your Auxiliary. 
  • In April, nominate members for officer positions within your Auxiliary who will volunteer for and positively promote the Auxiliary in your community.
There have been so many new Auxiliaries this year and I am so proud of all of you for doing a wonderful job! We have welcomed 24 new Auxiliaries since July 1, 2015! Way to go!

Don’t forget about the Extension Awards! The deadline of March 31 is just three weeks away! Please read page 23 the 2015-2016 Program Book for further information.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Americanism: Patriotic Ways to Support Veterans

Mary Stroud
2015-2016 National Americanism Ambassador

It’s a great day to be free. Have you thanked a veteran today for fighting for your freedom?

There are many ways to offer support to our veterans beyond telling them, “Thank you for your service.” A few ideas are listed below:
  • Host patriotic holiday parties for veterans, active-duty military and their families at your Post.  Invite the entire family to come and join in the fun at your Post. Host a barbeque or other meal and include patriotic music, games for both children and adults, and fun decorations.
  • Partner with other community organizations to reach more people. The more, the merrier! Join forces with other organizations in your area (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, mental health agencies, food pantries, etc.) to increase the services you can provide to veterans, active-duty military and their families.
  • Educate youth about what it means to be a patriotic American. Partner with schools or host special events for youth. Include age-appropriate lessons and activities. You will likely not witness the impact of the teachings, but they can make such an impact; those children will remember the lessons and will be proud to walk up to a veteran and say “thank you."
  • Distribute U.S. Flags and/or present a certificate of recognition to a local business, private citizen and/or youth group for flying the Flag. Distribute flags to businesses, community organizations and schools that do not have a flag flying or provide a new flag to those whose flag is tattered. Present a certificate in recognition to those displaying the Flag or POW/MIA flag. They will be honored to be recognized for their American pride.
  • Participate in a local parade. Who doesn’t love a parade? Passing out flags to children, riding on a Post or Auxiliary float and marching with the colors are some typical ways to participate. Judy Leu, Americanism Chairman from the Department of Washington, shared that an Auxiliary participated in a local parade by recognizing fallen service members of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Two Girl Scouts carried the lead banner and VFW and Auxiliary members carried large pictures of each fallen service member from the state of Washington with their name, branch of service, and dates of birth and death.

Be sure to invite local media to attend these events! A picture or an article in your local newspaper reminds your community that the VFW Auxiliary continues to support our veterans and our communities with patriotic pride.

The Smart/Maher National Citizenship Education Teacher Awards should be at the District level and getting ready for judging at the Department level before they go to National for judging. In my eyes, all submissions are winners as these teachers are fostering citizenship education to our future leaders of America, but it will be exciting to see which Department has the big winner!

REPORT! REPORT! REPORT! The deadline for your Americanism Year End Report is quickly approaching. I know each and every one of you have promoted Americanism and patriotism in your Auxiliary. I can’t stress how important it is to report your hard work, not only for this program, but for all of our programs. A quick reminder to the Department Chairman: In order to be eligible for awards, I must have a minimum of four promotions. Those who have been reporting are doing a spectacular job - keep up the good work!

Keep calm and wave on!


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Membership: Our Work is Not Done - Keep Recruting & Retaining Members

Joyce Bilyeu
2015-2016 National Membership Ambassador

CALL TO ACTION:  All continuous members who have not paid their dues by June 30, 2016 will no longer be a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. They will need to re-apply and start all over. Please connect with those members and collect their dues and/or see if they need financial assistance.

Congratulations to all the Departments that have reached the third quarter milestone. These Departments will receive $500 for their recruitment efforts. All Departments must be at least 95% in membership on or before March 31st in order to receive the $500 monetary award.  Many of you are almost there and others are working hard to get there. Just stay focused on our mission and I am confident that we will all succeed in reaching our goals.

95% in Membership by March 31, 2016                             Award = $500
100+% in Membership by May 31, 2016                                Award = $1,000
101+ % in Membership by June 30, 2016                               $500 Bonus Award

Each Department has done an incredible job in recruiting and retaining members. So far you have all recruited more than 13,600 males into our organization. Everyone is doing an incredible job and we need to continue recruiting and welcoming males into our Auxiliaries.

As of March 1, nationwide we are less than 3.70% away from reaching our record-breaking goal of being over 100% in membership by June 30th.  Every day we are showing the world that our commitment to the organization and to veterans is our strength.  However, our work is not done yet. Now is the time for all of us to recommit ourselves to the continued growth of the organization and to all veterans and their families.

National Membership Week is April 10-16. Please have plans in place on what your Department will be doing to promote membership during this special week. Make sure to go to the National VFW Auxiliary website to print out all the UPDATED membership materials and resources that you might need to help with your recruiting and retention efforts.

Be sure to work closely with your National Certified Recruiter Trainer in your Department to help assist with reaching our goals. They offer training and wonderful ideas for recruiting and retaining members. 

Our true commitment to the organization and to our veterans is going to be tested these next few months as we strive to cross the finish line. Just keep this in mind: when you feel like slowing down and giving up, just know that America is watching.

No one is going to remember how we started this journey. However, what they ARE going to remember is how we finish. If we give up on this goal, or slow down, then we are sending the message to America (especially to our veterans) that we do not care about the growth of the VFW Auxiliary and most of all we do not care about our veterans. And I know that NOBODY wants to send that message.

We are so close to the finish line. As a result of your commitment to our veterans, collectively we are having a greater impact on the growth of our membership and sustaining the veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary. 

It is going to take each Department continuing to do their part in reaching the overall membership goal - which is making lives better for veterans and their families by building the biggest and best Auxiliary ever in history. 

Remember to accept - No Excuse……Just Recruit!
  You Got This!