Wednesday, December 3, 2014

What Do Gold Star, Blue Star and Silver Star Banners Mean?

Joyce Bilyeu
2014-2015 Americanism Ambassador

What Do Gold Star, Blue Star and Silver Star Banners Mean?

There have been questions regarding the meaning of the Service Flags/Banners. Therefore, please share this information with others. In addition, consider things that your Auxiliary can do to honor these families.

*Note: All flags are displayed facing out in a front window.

Gold Star Banner

The gold star represents a family member killed during active duty and stands for sacrifice made for honor and freedom. Banners, also called service flags, containing two gold stars indicates two service members from that particular family were killed in combat. For families who've made the ultimate sacrifice, displaying the banners year-round is a solemn way to honor and pay tribute to their loved one(s). 

Blue Star Banner

During World War I, Army Captain Robert L. Queisser sought a way to honor his sons’ military service. Other families soon adopted his blue-star flag to indicate active duty service in the war. Sadly, many also displayed gold stars on those flags, symbolizing the death of the service member. The Department of Defense eventually authorized the display of the flags during times when the country is engaged in hostilities or war.

Flying blue-star flags is limited to specific family members (the spouse; parents, including adoptive or stepparents; siblings; and children, whether natural-born, adopted, foster children or stepchildren, are entitled to display the window flags). The white field, edged with red, can hold up to five blue stars. The blue of those stars symbolizes hope and pride for the service of a family member. 

Silver Star Banner

The silver star indicates a family member wounded or injured in a war zone.