Monday, September 28, 2015

Youth Activities: Ways to Get Youth Involved

Joan Penney
2015-2016 Youth Activities
National Ambassador

Youth Activities, what is the purpose?  To instill in the hearts of our youth, a firm belief in the principles of our Republic and reverence for the Flag of the United States; to develop character, cooperation, leadership, self-reliance, a willingness to assume responsibility for themselves and respect for their elders, family, community and veterans.

I posed a question a couple of weeks ago to our members asking how your Auxiliary is promoting Youth Activities. Wow!  I received many great ideas from across the nation. Thank you for the overwhelming response! I've listed several of the submitted ideas below:
  • Auxiliary 9610, Lake Park, Florida worked with a Girl Scout troop to paint Veteran Rocks. The girls painted thank you notes on the back of the rocks. This is an awesome way to start the ripple!
  • Vickie Purcell, Auxiliary 2250, Hornell, New York, suggests youth groups help collect items for and pack care packages for deployed troops.
  • Nancy Kreimer, Department of Pennsylvania, suggests involving Boy & Girl Scout troops in hospital visits.
  • Earlene Kelly Barmettler, Auxiliary 4146, Victoria, Texas involved scouts in the POW/MIA Program.
  • An idea that was shared on Facebook - host a Poppy Pageant.
Thank you for the great ideas, keep them coming!

The holidays will be here before we know it! Think about ways your Auxiliary can promote youth to work for and/or with our veterans.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Veterans & Family Support: Miltary & Veteran Family Helpline

Laurie Dale
2015-2016 Veterans & Family Support
National Ambassador

As a relative of someone who served this great nation, how many times have you just needed to talk to someone to get some perspective, or perhaps you just needed a listening ear or to hear a friendly voice? Maybe you needed someone to truly help you by offering advice or to refer you to a place that you could get help with something.

It’s no different for our veterans!

Sometimes the best way to help an American war hero is just to listen, get to the heart of the problem, and find the right kind of assistance in his or her local community. That’s the important job of the toll-free...

Military & Veteran Family Helpline!
Hours: Monday – Friday  
8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time
(Closed Holidays)
Messages left after hours are answered the next business day.
You may also email the helpline at

The Military & Veteran Family Helpline is a free service that offers information, creates connections and give hope to struggling military and veteran families throughout the nation. It is answered by experienced problem solvers who care deeply about veterans and their families and who have the contacts and knowledge needed to get each caller the help and services they need. All calls are answered; no caller is turned away. The helpline is a service of the VFW National Home for Children.

The Military & Veteran Family Helpline:
• Provides caring, compassionate listening.
• Helps put the “puzzle” together and finds lasting solutions.
• Makes meaningful & relevant connections to services that assist the caller, providing advocacy.
• Partners with human service organizations, veteran service groups & service officers.

Please note: This is a HELPLINE, not a Hotline.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Scholarships: Continuing Education & Patriotic Art

Kim Lewis
2015-2016 Scholarships
National Ambassador

The Voice of Democracy and Patriot's Pen Scholarship Contests are being promoted heavily in Auxiliaries and Departments right now. While promoting those scholarships to students, parents and teachers, don't forget to mention the other scholarships we offer, including the VFW Auxiliary Continuing Education Scholarship and the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Scholarship. Both applications can be found online on the National Organization's website Scholarships Program page.

Please read each application carefully so you understand the rules for each scholarship contest before you speak with teachers, students and/or parents! 

  • Patriotic Art is open to all students in grades 9-12. There are eight National winners, with the first-place winner receiving a $10,000 scholarship.
  • Continuing Education Scholarship for members, their spouses and children. There are four $1,000 scholarships, one selected from each conference. Financial need is a significant consideration in the selection process.

Community Awareness of our Scholarship Contests is again one of our goals this year.We need to let the community know what great financial opportunities we provide for talented students. Some ways to achieve this are:

  • Place a free advertisement/Press Release in your local newspaper describing the elements of each contest – including the amount of the scholarships and who to contact. 
  • Place posters in local stores, restaurants, libraries, Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCA, etc., with permission. Download the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest Poster for FREE from the National Organization's website Program Resource page.
  • Encourage students to view previous winning entries. They can be found on the Scholarships Program page of the National Organization's website
  • Don't forget about social media to reach students and their parents. Facebook, Twitter, and Post/Auxiliary websites at the local, District and Department levels are excellent places to post information about our contests. A sample social media post for the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest and Continuing Education scholarship is below:
Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest Sample Social Media Post:
There were more than 3,400 entries in the 2014-2015 Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest. View the winners and find out how a student in grades 9-12 that you know can enter the 2015-2016 contest and win up to $10,000 in scholarships: (link to application and winners)

Continuing Education Sample Social Media Post:
Did you know the VFW Auxiliary offers a $1,000 Continuing Education scholarship? It’s designed to assist members and their family members who wish to further their education by pursuing a college degree or career direction at a vocational/technical school. The spouse, daughter(s) and son(s) of members are also eligible to apply. Click HERE for more information and an application (link to application). Apply soon! The deadline is 2/15/16.

At National Convention, several of you asked questions about these scholarships. Please see answers below:

Q.:  Can someone other than a teacher sign the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest Application?
A.:  Yes, not every student entering may have an art teacher. For example, home-schooled students, who have always been allowed to enter the contest, do not have an art teacher. A responsible adult can sign certifying the entry as being the student’s original art.

Q.:  Must students submit their Young American Creative Patriotic Art entry to the closest VFW Auxiliary or may they submit it to any VFW Auxiliary?
A.:  As long as the students attend school in the same Department (state) as the sponsoring Auxiliary, they can submit their entry to any Auxiliary within that Department (state).

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Legislative: Encourage Involvement with a Fun Contest!

Lois Callahan
2015-2016 Legislative
National Ambassador

One of the best and most exciting ways to generate interest and increase participation in a program is to sponsor a contest. Below are a few ideas for Legislative Program contests.
  • Become 100% enrolled in the VFW Action Corp Weekly.       
    • Prize to the first Auxiliary in your District to reach 100% (money, gift cards, party, District-wide recognition at an event or in a publication, etc.)
    • Prize to first Auxiliary in your Department to reach 100% (money, gift cards, party, Department-wide recognition at an event or in a publication, etc.)
    • First District in your Department to reach 100% (money, gift cards, party, Department-wide recognition at an event or in a publication).
  • Be a Shining Star!!!
    • Award the member who signs up the most new Action Corp Weekly Subscribers. 
      • Of course, this contest can be extended from the Auxiliary to the District and the Department Level.
  • Invite a Local Legislator
    • Barbara Fitos from Florida had a wonderful idea! She is asking every Post/Auxiliary in her Department to invite a local Legislator to at least one annual event.
      • The Post/Auxiliary who sponsors the most events with Legislators in attendance could win an award! 
  • Sponsor a “Selfie Contest.”
  • Create an award for helping people get registered to vote.
  • Recognize a member for helping transport people to the their polling station.
I believe that the more complicated an awards program is, the less participation it will receive. So whatever you decide to do, please remember to keep it simple and fun!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Chief of Staff: Increase Meeting Attendance - Add Some FUN!

Barbara Melnick
Chief of Staff/Extension

Are you keeping your meetings open and fun? Are you:
  • Bold?
  • Adaptive?
  • Flexible?
  • Creative?
  • Enthusiastic?
  • Optimistic?
  • Dedicated?
  • A Good Listener?
All of the above (and more) means you are receptive to new ideas for our VFW Auxiliary and welcoming our new members.

Has your Auxiliary:
  • Had a backyard meeting?
  • Had a meeting at your local Veterans Park? (Keeping within the Bylaws)
  • Had a breakfast meeting?
  • Changed the time of your meeting in the summer or winter months to accommodate seasonal schedules?
  • Had a themed meeting (I.e. holiday, tea party, fiesta, sports, western, decade beach/Hawaiian, etc.)? An occasional themed meeting adds some fun to the meeting and allows members to learn more about one another.
A few other ideas to help welcome new members:
  • Encourage the use of name tags for all members (not just Officers) at each meeting. There are few things more intimidating and embarrassing than asking someone's name if you have never met them (or have before and have forgotten their name!)
  • An acronym chart. Every organization (ours included!) is full of acronyms. When someone first joins, they don't know what a SOI or COA is. It's easier to become interested and involved in our organization if you know what someone is talking about!
  • Consider doing an icebreaker (no more than 10 minutes) before you open the meeting.
  • Are your meetings dominated by a few members? If so, try passing out three to five coins (or tickets) to each meeting attendee. Attendees must "spend" a coin or ticket each time they talk. No borrowing allowed!
  • Keep it positive! At the start of each meeting, ask each member to briefly (less than 20-30 seconds) share something positive. Some ideas include:
    • Share how you've helped a veteran since the last meeting.
    • Name a member who's helped you since the last meeting.
    • Mention one Auxiliary/Post event or volunteer opportunity you're looking forward to in the coming month.
    • Something you learned about the VFW Auxiliary and/or its National Programs since the last meeting.
Change is good, especially if you make it fun and you are sensitive to everyone’s needs.
Let’s get out there and be positive, enthusiastic VFW Auxiliary members. Let’s not say no. LET’S SAY YES and get members coming to meetings and being involved in the Auxiliary. Let’s say YES to the new male members waiting to be asked to join our VFW Auxiliary. Be Optimistic! JUST RECRUIT!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Hospital: September is Suicide Awareness Month

Grace Matz
2015-2016 Hospital
National Ambassador

We strive to bring Veteran and Military Suicide Awareness information to our members and community throughout the year and it is especially important to do so in September, which is Suicide Prevention Month.

Each day, an estimated 22 veterans commit suicide. You can help lower this number and make a difference in the life of a veteran or service member in crisis by educating yourself and others about the warning signs of suicide.

The blue teardrop is the VFW Auxiliary's symbol that we can use to open a conversation to give this issue the attention so desperately needed. Members have shown their creativity in creating pins, necklaces, buttons, stickers, etc using the teardrop. You can use the teardrop template which is available on the National Organization's Hospital Program page. Wear it when you run errands, attend meeting, church, at work, etc. When asked what the teardrop is, share that it's to create awareness for veteran and military suicide.

The Veterans Crisis Line began in 2007 and has saved tens of thousands of lives. In addition to the hotline, it also offers an anonymous online chat service and a text-messaging service to provide support 24/7. Those who take the calls to the Veterans Crisis Line are specially trained to understand the challenges the veteran and their families have faced, helping veterans of all ages and circumstances. Some responders are veterans themselves. Learn more about the Veterans Crisis Line here:

Did you know that if you are concerned about a veteran that YOU can make that call? Those closest to a veteran may be the first to realize that he/she is at risk. By learning the warning signs/signs of crisis, you could be the one that saves the life of a veteran.

To join the “Power of 1 Movement” where ‘One small act can make a difference in the life of a veteran or service member in crisis.’ You will learn to identify the early warning signs of a veteran who may be in crisis and  can download material to distribute to your members and community. If you are near a VA Hospital, contact their Suicide Prevention Coordinator for more information or to schedule a training session for your members.

Every life is precious. Let’s work together to support those who have given so much for us.

Veterans Crisis Line:   1-800-273-8255 Press 1, Text Messaging:  838255

Monday, September 7, 2015

Americanism: September's Patriotic Days

Mary Stroud
2015-2016 Americanism
National Ambassador

I would like to share some information I have come across pertaining to the patriotic dates for this month. This is some good information to share.

For a complete list of our nation's Patriotic Days and information about them, please visit the National Organization's website and download "Our Nation's Patriotic Days."

Patriot Day – September 11
Patriot Day, also known as the national Day of Service and Remembrance, occurs on September 11 each year in memory of those killed during the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Those we lost September 11, 2001 will forever hold a cherished place in our hearts in the history of our nation. By a joint resolution approved December 18, 2001 (Public Law 107-89), Congress authorized the President to designate September 11 each year as “Patriot Day” to perpetuate the memory of those who perished in the attack on America, and to pursue peace and justice in the world and security at home. Appropriate ceremonies and activities include a moment of silence beginning at 8:46 a.m. EDT, remembrance services and candlelight vigils. Flags should be flown at half-staff on Patriot Day.

POW/MIA Recognition Day – Third Friday in September
POW/MIA Recognition Day honors the commitments and the sacrifices made by our nation’s prisoners of war and those who are still missing in action. National POW/MIA Recognition Day is on of the six days specified by law on which the black POW/MIA flag shall be flown over federal facilities and cemeteries, post offices and military installations. Plan ahead and check with your local facilities to make sure they have a POW/MIA flag and if not, it would be a great time to make a formal presentation of the flag to the facility. POW/MIA – YOU ARE NOT FORGOTTEN.

Gold Star Mother’s/Family’s Day – Last Sunday in September
Gold Star Mother’s/Family’s Day honors mothers and families who have lost a service member in combat. The name comes from the custom of families hanging Service Flags in the window of their homes. The Service Flag has a star for each family member in the armed forces. A blue star represents a family member in active service, a silver star represents a family member wounded or injured in a war zone and a gold star represents a family member killed during active-duty and stands for sacrifice made for honor and freedom. The American Gold Star Mothers, Inc. was founded shortly after World War 1 by Grace Darling Seibold, who lost her son, George Vaughn Seibold, during the war. Gold Star Mothers are often socially active, but are non-political. Gold Star Mother’s Day was designated by Congress on June 23, 1936. In September 2012, President Barack Obama rededicated the last Sunday in Sept as “Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day.”

Please continue to do all the great work you do honoring and serving our heroes, our veterans. OUR VETERANS, NOW AND FOREVER!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Membership: Welcome All New Male & Female Members to the VFW Auxiliary

Joyce Bilyeu
2015-2016 Membership
National Ambassador

WELCOME all eligible males to the VFW Auxiliary AND all new members. We are so excited to have you as a part of this wonderful organization. I know your journey with this elite organization will be an experience you will carry with you for generations to come.

By now all VFW Auxiliaries should have the new applications and are recruiting new members. You can download a single-page application from the National Organization’s website or order the brochure using the fillable Brochure Order Form. Remember a couple of things regarding eligibility:

  • If a person is eligible to join the VFW, then they are NOT eligible to join the Auxiliary. If you currently have a female VFW member who is also a VFW Auxiliary member she does NOT have to quit the Auxiliary. However, as of now you cannot sign up folks for dual membership into the VFW and VFW Auxiliary. 
  • If a Men’s Auxiliary member wants to join your VFW Auxiliary they must fill out an application, be investigated, voted on and accepted just as you had to. An individual who is eligible for both the Men’s Auxiliary and the VFW Auxiliary may have memberships in both; they must also pay membership dues in both since they are separate organizations.
  • While signing up males into the VFW Auxiliary DO NOT forget to sign up new female eligible members. We do not want to leave any Brother or Sister behind. 

Auxiliaries, we would love to see pictures of you initiating men and women into the organization.
Please send those pictures to Megan at the National Auxiliary Headquarters at so she can post them on social media.

Just a couple of things to take note of and share with your members:

1.  The member award forms (5 members and 20 members) that are in the National Program Book should be for NEW members only. There is NO Reinstate member. Please pass this information along to others.  The correct forms are on our national website under the “Programs” tab, and “Membership” tab. Click on my “Membership Tools” page to find the correct forms.

2.  The monetary awards for reaching our quarterly milestones are the following:
Sept. 30, 2015

Reach:          80%
Receive:      $250
Dec. 31, 2015

Reach:          90%
Receive:      $300
March 31, 2016

Reach:         95%
Receive:      $500
May 31, 2016

Reach:         100%+
Receive:      $1,500
June 30, 2016

Reach: 101+%
Receive Additional: $500
1St Quarter
2nd Quarter
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
Bonus Award

3.  Work closely with your National Certified Recruiter Trainer in your Department to help assist with reaching our membership goals.  They offer wonderful  ideas and suggestions for recruiting new members and retaining existing ones.

As you can see in the graph above, we are coming upon our first quarterly milestone on September 30, 2015 to being 80% in membership. Many departments are very close to earning that extra $250 for their Departments. Congratulations to Alaska and California for exceeding that goal. They are currently working on milestone two (which is to be 90% by December 31st in order to receive an extra $300 for their Departments). I personally do not know of any Department who cannot use an extra $250. I know you can do this, especially now since our membership eligibility has expanded to males. There is No Excuse...Just Recruit!

By now you should all be planning what you will be doing for National Recruitment Week in October. Please share those ideas on social media, your local newspaper, radio stations, and with your communities overall. Please make sure to go to the National VFW Auxiliary website. All of the membership materials and resources that you might need to help in your recruiting efforts will be UPDATED with the new name and logo on Tuesday, September 8. For example: print out the “Just One” Card and make copies of it and pass them around to other members and get them to commit to recruiting “Just One” new member.  Make copies of the “door-hanger” and plan a day where you go into your neighborhoods to put them on your neighbor’s doors. Involve some young people to help; better yet, get some of your new members to help (this can help with retention).

Please don’t be the Department that is left behind. Remember it is so much more than money we are working towards. We are working towards making lives better for veterans and their families by building the biggest and best Auxiliary ever in history.

We all have 10 months to go to break a record and to show the world we care about the welfare of our veterans, their families and their children.