Monday, December 21, 2015

Youth Activities Challenge: ASK them what they want to do to help veterans!

Joan Penney
2015-2016 Youth Activities
National Ambassador

Do you ever feel like all you hear is blah, blah, blah, blog, blog, blog?

Sometimes I think this is what youth hear.

I think they feel that we don't understand them and/or that we are not interested in what they have to say. I'll be honest with you, it's not that I'm not interested, it’s just sometimes I don't know how to LISTEN to them! Month after month I have given you ideas on how to engage youth, but I have never taken the time to ASK youth what they want to do.

As the New Year approaches, my challenge to you is to do just that – ASK and LISTEN!

  • Ask the ROTC instructor, Civics teacher, Youth Director at places of worship, and Boy and Girl Scout leaders to allow you to meet with the youth in their respective groups during classroom/meeting time. 
  • Ask youth what they’d be interested in working with and/or for veterans on.
  • Listen and be open-minded and receptive to their ideas and suggestions. 
  • Allow youth an opportunity to develop the program and/or project; they will be more invested in the program/project when they have a sense of ownership of it.
  • Trust them! They are the future leaders of our great nation and we need to have confidence in them.

Tammi Sheumaker Baird, Department of Oklahoma Youth Activities Chairman, said America’s youth are “a community-wide priority.” Research shows that when involved in positive activities such as community service, youth are less likely to pursue risky behaviors (i.e. alcohol, drugs and violence) and stay out of trouble.

“Young people want and deserve a voice in their community. Youth can help identify positive solutions and build stronger communities. By allowing youth to participate in activities at your Post and Auxiliary, they can gain work experience, acquire new skills, learn responsibility and accountability, develop confidence and make meaningful connections with other youth, adults and community leaders,” she said.

What are you doing at your Post and Auxiliary to reach out to and involve youth?

You have been given a challenge and I can't wait to hear what our youth have to say!

In the meantime, January (i.e. post-holiday season) can be a gloomy time for young and old alike. Cold days are perfect opportunity to play board games and drink hot chocolate or warm cider at a VA or medical facility with veterans. Encourage youth to help with snow removal, stack firewood, check and replace batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, etc.

I want to give a BIG shout out to the Department of Texas for providing a safe environment for youth to gather, sort and cut a huge quantity of manufacturer coupons to send to military families overseas. In addition, elementary school children collected 206 pounds of personal care items, snacks, treats, and canned/boxed food items for distribution to hospitalized veterans and military personnel.

Thank you for empowering our nation’s youth. I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Veterans & Family Support - VFW National Home for Children

Laurie Dale
2015-2016 Veterans & Family Support
National Ambassador

The VFW National Home for Children serves as a living memorial to America’s veterans by helping our nation’s military and veteran families during difficult times.

It was founded in 1925 as a place where the families left behind by war – mothers and children, brothers and sisters – could remain together, keeping the family circle intact even when their serviceman didn’t come home. Today’s families face different challenges – reintegration, PTSD, high unemployment and rehabilitation from battlefield injuries, among others – and the National Home has evolved over the decades to meet those changing needs. Through it all, one thing has remained constant: the National Home’s commitment to honor our nation’s veterans and active-duty military by providing help and hope for their children and families.

The idea for the National Home was first planted in 1923 when the Military Order of the Cootie presented the concept to the VFW at its National Convention. Members of the VFW embraced the idea of a home for the children and families of veterans and the VFW National Home for Children was born as a non-profit corporation separate from the VFW itself. On December 6, 1924, the National Council of Administration approved the idea of the VFW National Home. The Veterans of Foreign Wars had taken a giant step forward in fulfilling its pledge to “Honor the Dead by Helping the Living.”

Since its founding, the VFW National Home for Children has grown from an old frame farm house to a sprawling campus with playgrounds, park area, and multiple buildings, including 42 single-family homes, a community center and gymnasium, child care facility, guest lodge, chapel and administrative offices.

How can you help support their mission? It's easy! Create a lasting bond between yourself and the National Home by becoming a Life or Associate Member.

Life Members:

  • VFW and VFW Auxiliary members and organizations are eligible to become Life Members.
  • Life Members may vote for the trustees who represent their National Home District and approve any proposed changes to their bylaws and articles of incorporation.
  • Life Memberships can be purchased using credit card or check.
  • Life Member Pins can also be purchased for an additional $5
Associate Members:
  • Any individual or organization wishing to support the National Home’s mission can become an Associate Life Member.
  • Associate Life Members do not have voting privileges. 

Both member types receive a membership certificate & wallet card.

I encourage you to visit to learn more about everything the VFW National Home for Children has to offer and to learn more about the history of this hidden gem!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Scholarships: It's Time to Promote the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest!

Kim Lewis
2015-2016 Scholarships
National Ambassador

Now that this program year is half over, it’s time to review our Program Goals. It’s important that all VFW Auxiliaries strive to accomplish an activity to meet these goals of the Scholarship Program.

1. Student Participation
It's time to hit the streets to publicize and promote the VFW Auxiliary scholarship available to the general public, the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest.
  • Print out Patriotic Art posters from the website HERE and distribute to local schools, churches, youth organizations (i.e. Boys & Girls Clubs, Boy and Girl Scouts, 4-H, etc.) arts and crafts stores, art galleries, grocery stores and coffee shops - anywhere youth spend time!
  • Print out Patriotic Art brochures/entry forms from the website HERE or order them from National Headquarters (for free!) using the brochure order form from the website HERE and distribute to the same groups listed above.

2. Recipient Recognition
While you work with your VFW Post to recognize Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen entrants, order Auxiliary Young American Certificates from the VFW store to recognize students who participate in the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest: The certificate reads:  "Young American Creative Patriotic Art Certificate of Recognition presented to _____________ In special recognition for your creative contribution to our National Heritage through the expression of Art." It includes signature lines for the President and Chairman. You can also order the Auxiliary Young American Patriotic Art Pin: for your Auxiliary Winner.

3. Community Awareness
We need to toot our own horn and notify our community about the great scholarships our organization offers America's youth!
  • Send a press release to your local newspaper and high school newspaper announcing our Young American Creative Patriotic Art Scholarship Contest. National Headquarters has provided a fillable press release available on the website HERE. Simply fill with your Auxiliary's information and send to your local media outlets.
Remember to let all of your fellow VFW Auxiliary members know about the Continuing Education Scholarship. The deadline for receipt of the application at National Headquarters is February 15, 2016.  

Visit the VFW Store at or the VFW Auxiliary website's Resources page (under Programs, Resources) to obtain the materials listed above.
As we come to the end of 2015, I remind you that the holiday season can be very difficult for our veterans who are alone. Try to include them in your holiday activities.

I wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Legislative - A Letter to Santa: Eight Legislative Gifts

Lois Callahan
2015-2016 Legislative
National Ambassador

Dear Santa,

Please help VFW Auxiliary Legislative Chairman at all levels in their mission to increase legislative involvement and give our members these eight gifts:

1. Sign up every one they can for VFW Action Corps Weekly.

2. Print and distribute the VFW Priority Goals Pamphlet

3. Promote and gather new subscriptions for the VFW Checkpoint  Newsletter.

4. Assist those who need help with registering to vote.

5. Help community members in getting to their polling places.

6. Interact with Legislators through sponsoring Town Hall Meetings.

7. Involve their entire families in the legislative process.

8. Work with other VFW Auxiliary Chairmen to integrate the Legislative Program throughout their communities.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Chief of Staff/Extension - Get Members Involved & Energized

Barbara Melnick
2015-2016 Chief of Staff/Extension
National Ambassador

It’s hard to believe, but we are halfway through the 2015-2016 Program year. Thanksgiving is over and Christmas and New Year’s are weeks away. There is a lot going on this time of year and hopefully we are all still out there recruiting members! As of January 2016 if your continuous members have not paid their dues, they are not in good standing and cannot come to your meeting and participate.

Please contact members you haven’t heard from in a month or longer.
  • Mail a dues reminder along with a note stating you appreciate their membership and wish them a happy holiday season.
  • Email, call or text the member(s) to let them know it’s time for their dues renewal and that you hope to see them soon.
  • Find out if the member(s) needs assistance paying for dues and/or transportation to the meetings and/or Auxiliary events. 
Most importantly, DON’T GIVE UP! January is a brand new year and new and exciting things are on the horizon for Auxiliaries all across America. Personally ask members to participate in the planning and execution of Auxiliary events, fundraisers and volunteer opportunities; involve veterans at your Post home in what you’re planning.

Not sure what to do or where to start or need a fresh idea? A few are listed below.
  • Host a fashion show and invite local students to help with the event.
  • Host a family board game tournament or trivia night.
  • Host a family fun night with cake and pop/soda walks, bobbing for apples, face painting, piƱatas and other indoor activities. 
  • Host a gingerbread house decorating party; auction the houses off with proceeds benefiting our programs.
  • Host a Holiday Pet Parade. Invite the public to bring in their pet(s) for a photo with Santa with proceeds benefiting our programs. 
  • Host a Chili Cook-off and invite local celebrities and/or well-known citizens to be tasters.
  • Host a Battle of the Bands or Dueling Pianos fundraiser.
The key is to get members involved and energized in your activities and programs. Be sure and thank them for their time and efforts with the “Good Job Award” available in the Healthy Auxiliary Toolkit on the website. Speaking of the Healthy Auxiliary Toolkit, I hope you have all been using the Healthy Checkup and Certificate of Good Health during your Auxiliary visits this year.

Please do not forget our hospitalized veterans this time of year! Remember, it is never too late to say “Thank you” to our veterans.

I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and the very best and healthiest of New Year's!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Hospital - Spread Holiday Cheer to Hospitalized Veterans

Grace Matz
2015-2016 Hospital
National Ambassador

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa – the season of giving is here! It’s a special time of year when we bake cookies, write cards, and shop for and wrap presents – no matter how busy we are!

Even though we’re caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it’s important to find time to remember our veterans who are confined in a medical facility and are dependent on family and friends to brighten their holiday. By giving of yourselves, you will truly feel the spirit of the holiday season.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money! Some suggestions to bring the season of joy to them:
  • Decorate their door with a colorful winter scene.
  • Give them a small flower or poinsettia to sit on the window sill or table.
  • Display bright sun catchers to hang on the window.
  • Make special holiday treats or snacks.
  • Fill stockings with small gifts.
  • Get a group together and sing carols in the halls or patient’s rooms.
Click here to visit our Christmas/Winter Pinterest Board for more ideas! 

Our veterans have spent years in service to our country for our freedom. They marched when tired, endured frostbite, hostile fire, and hardships we can’t even imagine. Many returned with lifelong injuries. During this busy time of the year, I’m personally asking everyone to find a few minutes to visit a hospitalized veteran. That’s a small gift for someone who has given so much. When you see their appreciative smiles, you’ll know it was time well spent.

My wishes to everyone for a safe and joyous holiday!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Americanism - Keep Calm and Wave On: When and How to Fly the American Flag

Mary Stroud
2015-2016 Americanism
National Ambassador

When to Display the Flag
  • The Flag should be displayed on all days when the weather permits, especially on legal holidays or other special occasions. 
  • It is customary to display the Flag from sunrise to sunset on buildings or on stationary flagstaffs in the open. However, on special occasions it may be displayed at night, always lighted
  • The Flag should be displayed on or near the main administration building of every public institution – in or near polling places on elections days and in or near schools when they are in session. 
  • A citizen may fly the Flag on any day he/she wishes.

How to Fly the Flag
  • The Flag should be raised and lowered by hand. 
  • Never raise the Flag while it is furled; unfurl, then hoist quickly to the peak of the flagstaff. 
  • It should be lowered slowly and ceremoniously. 
  • The Flag should never be allowed to touch anything beneath it, such as the ground or floor.
  • The flying of the Flag at half-staff is a sign of mourning. When flown at half-staff, the Flag should be first hoisted to the peak, then immediately lowered to the half-staff position. It should be raised to the peak again for a moment before it is lowered for the day. Half-staff is the point midway between top and bottom of the flagstaff. On Memorial Day in May, the Flag should fly at half-staff from sunrise until noon and at full-staff from noon until sunset.

How to Display the Flag
  • If the Flag is displayed from a staff projected from a window sill, balcony or front of a building, the union of the Flag should go to the peak of the staff (unless the Flag is to be displayed at half-staff). 
  • When the Flag is displayed in any manner other than being flown from a staff, it should be displayed flat, whether indoors or out. 
  • If displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be uppermost to the flag’s own right; that is to the observers left. 
  • When displayed in a window, it should be suspended in the same way – that is, with the union to the left of the observer in the street. 
  • When displayed over the middle of the street, the Stars and Stripes should be suspended vertically with the union to the north on an east-west street and to the east on a north-south street. 
  • When the Flag is suspended over a sidewalk from rope extending from house to pole at the edge of the sidewalk, the Flag should be hoisted out from the building toward the pole union first. 
  • When used on a speaker’s platform the Flag may be displayed flat, above and behind the speaker. 
  • If flown from a staff it should be on the speaker’s right; all other flags on the platform should be on the speakers left.
Keep Calm and Wave On!
Wishing everyone a safe, blessed and Merry Christmas! Don’t forget to keep our service members in your thoughts and prayers whether they be stateside or across the globe. They continue to fight for your freedom to wave that beautiful Flag!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Membership: Our Goal - The Best and Biggest Auxiliary Ever

Joyce Bilyeu
2015-2016 Membership
National Ambassador

Continuous Membership Dues Reminder


Note: If a member does not have his or her dues paid by December 31, 2015 they will NOT be a member in good standing and cannot come into your January meeting until they are current. WE DO NOT WANT TO TURN ANYONE AWAY FROM OUR MEETINGS, SO PLEASE GET THESE DUES PAID.

It is imperative that you contact your continuous members and let them know that their dues need to be paid if they want to remain in good standing. I am certain they will appreciate the reminder from you and will be grateful you called and/or e-mailed them. I believe most members would not want to be in a “Not in Good Standing” status. Find out if they need financial support to pay their dues and if so, help them out if your Auxiliary has the funds.

Quarterly Milestone Goal
We are coming up to our second quarterly milestone on December 31, 2015. All Departments must be at least 90% in membership on or before December 31 in order to receive the $300 monetary award. One way each Department can reach this goal is to focus on getting all continuous members’ dues current by December 31.

Congratulations to the Departments of Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Hawaii and Utah for reaching the 90% goal by December 31. These Departments are now well on their way to being 100%+. Many other Departments are on their way to reaching the 90% goal by December 31 and will receive $300 for their Department.

Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Can an Auxiliary member recruit VFW members and get credit for recruiting a member?
Answer: VFW and VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters encourage the recruitment of members for both organizations on a regular basis. The VFW Auxiliary Bylaws do not specifically state that Auxiliary members can or cannot recruit VFW members. VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters suggests that Auxiliary members coordinate with their VFW Post in recruiting efforts and get the Post’s permission to recruit for them. Should a VFW Auxiliary member recruit the required number of members for VFW membership awards, he or she should track the members recruited and report them to VFW National Headquarters Membership Department, as Auxiliary membership numbers are not recognized by the VFW’s database.

Holiday Season
The holidays are here, and we all have so much to be thankful for. As this year comes to a close and before we usher in a new one, I want to express my hearty appreciation for all of your hard work, dedication and accomplishments. The holiday time becomes even more special when you have dedicated and productive members, as you’ve been so far this year, previous years, and will be for years to come.

It’s certainly a festive season and a wonderful time to celebrate with all of our families and friends. However, while we are safe in our homes enjoying the company of family and friends this holiday season, there are many who are not because they are serving and protecting this great nation. Our nation’s courageous heroes, America’s servicemen and women, are counting on us to continue working on our programs and recruiting new members as we celebrate this holiday season.

Remember that we are all in this together and it is going to take each Department doing their part to reach the overall membership goal, which is: making lives better for veterans and their families by building the biggest and best Auxiliary ever in history. 

Make sure to access all the resources that are available to you on the national website at: and stay up-to-date with the national organization on Facebook here:

I wish you and your family a happy and prosperous New Year and may God bless all of you with happiness, prosperity and good health.

Remember to accept - No Excuse...Just Recruit! You Got This!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Youth Activities - Spread Holiday Cheer!

Joan Penney
2015-2016 Youth Activities
National Ambassador

Thanksgiving is behind us and Christmas is just a few weeks away! Please take the time to watch this touching two-minute Christmas advertisement, “Man on the Moon.” (Warning – tissues needed!)

I think this must be how many people feel this time of year. Not just older veterans, but shut-ins and even some young service members. Contact your local VA facility, veterans’ home and/or medical facility and find out who could use some extra cheer this holiday season. Ask youth in your community to help Auxiliary members bring a smile to those who need it by:

  • Decorating for a holiday party or meal
  • Serving at a holiday party or meal
  • Caroling or other musical performance
  • Dancing or other dramatic performance
  • Making crafts
  • Visiting with them
  • Sending cards
  • And more!
There is still time to schedule and carry out these activities!

Not only can you invite youth to help your Auxiliary spread cheer, you can bring cheer to youth in your area by hosting a holiday party for children and/or families of veterans and active-duty service members.

Need some inspiration? Check out our All About Christmas/Winter Pinterest Page for more than 150 crafting, decorating and party game ideas!

Some other ways to involve youth:
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (December 7)
Invite the Post/Auxiliary or District Voice of Democracy winner to read FDR’s “A Date Which Will Live in Infamy.” 
Ask Drama/Theater/Forensic students if they are interested in performing at your Post or Auxiliary event.
Invite students to participate in a Stand Down.

I was honored to be asked to be the Youth Activities National Ambassador, but I am just the conduit, YOU are the ones actively involving youth in your Auxiliaries. Thank you for continuing to promote the Auxiliary through working with youth. You are doing a fabulous job! A shout-out is due to the Auxiliary #5631, Sanford, North Carolina. They recently conducted a membership drive and included youth in the activity. Great job!

Thank you for all you do for veterans and youth across our nation! I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!