Friday, February 26, 2016

Veterans & Family Support: Operation Uplink™ – Still Relevant Today

Laurie Dale
2015-2016 National Veterans & Family Support Ambassador

Operation Uplink™ is a calling program for deployed service members that provides free phone time to active-duty military personnel and hospitalized veterans.

Many members have asked if the Operation Uplink™ portion of the VFW Veterans and Military Support Program is still relevant today and the answer is a resounding – YES!

On at least three days of every month, service personnel can make calls to the USA, its territories and to landlines in other military home base countries, including Afghanistan, American Samoa, Bahrain, Belgium, Germany, Guam, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Northern Marianas, Netherlands, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Spain, Turkey, UK and the U.S. Virgin Islands, from their local MWR (SPAWAR) Internet Café at no cost. There are no hidden fees or restrictions on these Free Call Days; all calls are free from midnight to midnight Eastern Time.

When Operation Uplink™ began in 1996, the program provided phone cards to deployed and hospitalized troops; each card cost $6.50 and provided 15 minutes of talk time to one (1) service member. Due to the growing popularity of the program, and thanks to the generosity of corporate donors like Sport Clips Haircuts and Harleysville Insurance, the program began hosting “Free Call Days” in 2006.  

Advancements in technology and readily available internet access have caused phone cards to become obsolete. Service members have less access to phone banks and are relying on email, SKYPE and other instant messaging options to stay connected to home. With greater access through the MWR (Morale, Welfare & Recreation) cafés, Free Call Days and virtual PINs, Operation Uplink™ is providing more service members with chances to call home than ever before! That same $6.50 now provides a 15 minute call to 10 service members!

As the largest organization of combat veterans, the VFW knows the importance of keeping military families in touch. Free Call Days are more than just phone calls. These sponsored days allow families and friends to stay connected during a very stressful period of separation without regard for cost. They celebrate an excellent report card, homeruns at t-ball games, graduations, weddings and other important life moments.

Our military personnel have shared their appreciation for Operation Uplink™ with us:

  • CPT Bailey in Afghanistan writes, “I am so grateful for the ability to hear my wife and child over the phone. Your service is crucially important for the morale of the soldiers. You are doing your country an immeasurable service by ensuring the communication of military families!”
  • Carlos in Iraq writes, “Free call days are like extended visits to my family. I just let them talk about every little detail of their day.”

Since its creation in 1996, Operation Uplink™ has evolved, but it still provides an invaluable service to our military service members by providing a morale boosting and vital connection with family and friends while eliminating the financial burden many can’t afford. Since 2006 over 7.5 million connections have provided over 90 million minutes of talk time - at no cost to our deployed service members.

Questions? Contact VFW Operation Uplink at: or (816) 968-1155

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Youth Activities: Green in Spring

Joan Penney
2015-2016 National Youth Activities Ambassador

The reports I have received from you prove how passionate you are and how willing our youth are to show their support to our veterans. I want to thank you for taking the youth program to new heights!

Where do I start with ideas for "youth working for our veterans" this quarter?  Do, re, me, fa, sol, la, ti, do...  Let's start at the very beginning...youth enjoy showing how much they know...and earning green!
  • Invite a middle or high school computer club to a VA facility or Post home to teach members all they know about smart phones, iPads, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  • Host a St. Patrick's Day party and invite youth groups to the Post home for a movie night to reward them for a job well done. 
    • Keep it green!
      Food ideas include:
      • Green popcorn
      • Green Kool-Aid
      • Celery
      • Grapes
      • Kiwi
      • Green eggs & ham
      • Green cake
      • Spinach & artichoke dip
      • Green jell-o
      • Green Beans
                   Movie examples include:
      • The Big Green
      • The Odd Life of Timothy Green
      • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
      • The Incredible Hulk
      • The Green Hornet
      • The Green Lantern
      • The Green Berets
      • The Green Mile
  • Invite youth to help with cleanup!
    • If your Post/Auxiliary host a Lenten fish fry or other dinner, invite youth groups to wait on tables and help with cleanup. The Post/Auxiliary keeps the proceeds from the dinners and the youth group keeps any tips they earn.
  • Invite Scouts to sell cookies or popcorn at your Post home.
  • Invite a youth group to help plant a garden at the home of a veteran or your Post home.
There are many ways to involve youth in your activities this spring! I look forward to hearing what
ideas your Auxiliary comes up with! 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Scholarship: Patriotic Art Contest, Voice of Democracy Parade of Winners and Patriot's Pen Scholarship Fund

Kim Lewis
2015-2016 Scholarships
National Ambassador

Continuing Education Scholarship applications are in for the year; we have just one scholarship left to promote and it’s our Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest. You still have time to get information out to your members through a Department wide e-mail blast or featured on your Department website. Remember, there is a Northern Lights Gift Certificate to one Department Chairman in each membership group for the best promotion of the Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest.

These pieces of art do not need to be an elaborate painting. Six of the 2015 National Winners were done with charcoal, pencil and colored pencil. Encourage students to look at the National Winners from last year online at:

The VFW Auxiliary National Headquarters has experienced a recurring issue with the Patriotic Art Contest. Several students have contacted them stating they never received their artwork back from their local Auxiliary. When you receive the artwork from a student, be sure you have their full contact information (name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address) to enable you to return the piece if the art does not make it any higher than Department judging. If a teacher is the one submitting the artwork, be sure to get the student’s personal contact information, since by the time the artwork is returned, the student might already be out of school for the year. Unless the student has said you can keep their piece for display, possibly in your Post home, these entries are to go back to them. Also, be sure to provide the student with YOUR information so they will know who to contact to get their artwork returned.

I love seeing the pictures and Facebook posts of the many award presentations for the Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen winners. You all have done such a fantastic job!

I’m so excited to meet all of the Department Voice of Democracy winners in Washington D.C. at the end of the month. If you want to see how your winner places at the National Level then don’t forget to watch the Parade of Winners. It will be live streamed on beginning at 6:00 p.m. EST on Monday February 29, 2016.

Remember to continue promoting information to your members about the Patriot’s Pen Scholarship Fund. In the 2014-2015 year, the VFW awarded $46,000 in National Scholarship funds to 46 of 54 Department winners. Voluntary donations of any amount to help fully fund scholarships for all Department winners can be sent to the VFW earmarked “Patriot’s Pen Scholarships Contribution.” Donations to this fund should be reported to your Department Chairman as participation even if your VFW Auxiliary did not work the Patriot’s Pen Scholarship or receive an entry.

QUESTIONS:  Several Department Scholarships Chairmen asked about a report form for their Auxiliaries to complete. You should develop your own unique Department report form. The report form you must complete and send to your Department President by May 1, 2016 can be accessed online by clicking HERE and may be used a template. The form is on page 49 of the 2015-2016 Program Boook available online HERE.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Legislative - Innovative Ways to Involve Members in the Program

Lois Callahan
2015-2016 Legislative
National Ambassador

It is so impressive to see the various ideas you have shared on how to promote the Legislative Program. You have come up with innovative ways of helping your members think about the program and new ways to interact with their Legislators.

Postcards from Maryland
Mary Cardinal-Vogt, Chief of Staff, along with Karen Rooker, Legislative Chairman, are busy creating pre-printed post cards. They print post cards with messages highlighting issues the VFW is currently advocating and their recommendations to congress. Members need only to sign, address and mail the cards to their Legislators.

Word Search in North Carolina
Kathy Voss, Legislative Chairman has created a word search puzzle containing key words associated with the Legislative Program. Getting people thinking about the program and having fun is a key to increasing legislative involvement.

Lighting the Way in Arkansas
One Arkansas Auxiliary embraced the idea of “Green Light a Veteran.” They want their local Legislators to know how many people support veterans and veterans issues in their community. They encourage every member, family member and guest of their Post to light their patio and porch lights with green lights. Green lights have even been made available for purchase at the Post for convenience.

Information is Power in New Hampshire
Cathie Chevalier, Legislative Chairman, compiled and emailed a list of Candidate Forums and Town Hall Meetings. Contained in the lists are the dates, times and addresses of meetings around the state so members can quickly find events in their area.

These are just a few of the ideas and activities happening around our great country. I am so proud of the legislative work being done by our Auxiliaries. Keep up the great work and remember to report your efforts.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Chief of Staff/Extension: Institute, Recruit and Mentor

Barbara Melnick
2015-2016 Chief of Staff/Extension

We are more than halfway through the Program Year and I want to congratulate all Departments that have instituted new Auxiliaries so far:
  • Alabama - Three New Auxiliaries
  • California
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Iowa - Two New Auxiliaries
  • Kansas
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • North Carolina
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • South Carolina
  • Texas - Two New Auxiliaries
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

There is still time for all Departments to earn $50 for each new Auxiliary instituted between July 1, 2015, and February 28, 2016, provided transmittal and proper paperwork is received at National Headquarters by March 31, 2016. Let’s keep up the pace and make this organization as great as we know it is!

Don’t forget to:
    • Ask your spouse, brother and/or son to join! 
    • Share the passion you have for this organization with others. Your passion and enthusiasm will show and others will want to join! 
    • Contact someone who is no longer a member and invite them to rejoin.
    • Contact a member who hasn’t been to a meeting in a while and find out why. Perhaps they’ve been ill, lack transportation or are caring for family members. It only takes a few minutes to let your fellow member know you’re thinking of them.
Let’s not let our Auxiliary members’ membership lapse. GET INVOLVED and INVOLVE OTHERS, too! Be a mentor to new members or members who haven’t been to a meeting or event in a while. Find out what they’re interested in helping with and ask them to participate! Make all members feel wanted and needed – be kind! Let’s keep our Auxiliaries healthy!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Hospital - National Salute to Veteran Patients Week

Grace Matz
2015-2016 Hospital
National Ambassador

The week of February 14 is the National Salute to Veteran Patients week. Although this is sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs, we can remember those in other medical facilities as well.

The purpose of the program is to:
  • Pay tribute and express appreciation to Veterans,
  • Increase community awareness of the role of the VA medical center,
  • Encourage citizens to visit hospitalized Veterans and to become involved as volunteers.
This is our opportunity to say thank you to more than 98,000 veterans who are cared for every day in a VA facility. 
Entertainer Connie Stevens is the Chairperson for the 2016 National Salute to Veterans Patients. Learn more here:
Valentine's Day is almost here! Involve your community and host a “Valentines for Veterans” Drive.  Gather up cards and take them to a medical facility. I’m fairly certain someone will consider you their sweetheart when you do!

Need more ideas? Visit the National Organization's Pinterest Page for some fun ideas on decorating at a medical facility, Valentine-themed games for seniors and more!

Next month the entries for Outstanding Hospital Volunteer are due to me. Department Chairmen should select one winner from applicants submitted and have it to me by March 15, 2016.
Remember, the requirement for Department Chairmen is to submit a minimum of four (4) communications on how you promoted the Hospital Program to your membership. Sadly, there are some Departments I haven’t heard from and several haven’t met the minimum. There is still time, so please make sure to send your promotions, bulletins, or presentations to me via email or regular mail. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Membership: This is Your Time!

Joyce Bilyeu
2015-2016 Membership
National Ambassador

CALL TO ACTION:  The time has come for all of us to focus our attention on collecting continuous member dues. If these dues are not paid by June 30 of the current membership year, the member will be terminated by National and must rejoin by reapplying for membership.  Please contact these members to find out if they are having a financial hardship and if so, see if your Auxiliary can assist by paying their dues for them. We do not want to lose any member due to a financial hardship.   

Third Quarter Milestone: Congratulations to the Departments who have reached and/or exceeded the third quarter milestone of being 95% in membership by March 31, 2016. These Departments will be receiving $500 for achieving this goal:
  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • California
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Indiana
  • Maryland
  • Nebraska
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Virginia
There is still plenty of time for each Department to reach this milestone and I am confident that you will succeed in achieving this goal.
95% in Membership by March 31, 2016     Award = $500
100+% in Membership by May 31, 2016        Award = $1,500
101+ % in Membership by June 30, 2016      $500 Bonus Award

Male Members:  For the past five months you have recruited nearly 12,000 males into our organization. Please continue recruiting males into our organization so we can have the membership strength to carry on our mission of serving and honoring veterans and their families. If each one of these new male members would recruit just one new member that number would be doubled. Please be sure to inform all NEW members on all the wonderful awards they can receive for recruiting members.  

National Membership Week:  National Membership Week is April 10-16. You should have plans in place on what your Department will be doing to promote membership during this special week. Make sure to go to the National VFW Auxiliary website to print out all the UPDATED membership materials and resources that you might need to help with your recruiting and retention efforts.

Be sure to work closely with your National Certified Recruiter Trainer in your Department to help assist with reaching our goals. They offer wonderful ideas and suggestions for recruiting and retaining members. 

Department Websites: Your Department website is one of your most valuable recruiting tools. Please make sure that your Department website has the most CURRENT membership information and resources. Many Departments still have information from years past and this information is not correct.

Imagine a complete stranger is viewing your website. Are they going to get a good understanding of all our current programs, or are they going to get old information that is no longer valid?

NOTE:  Information on your Department website can be viewed by anyone (not just your Department’s members). Please make sure that those viewing your website are getting correct and accurate information. One way to do this is to put a link on your website page that viewers can click on and it will go directly to the National VFW Auxiliary website. Therefore, you can be assured they are getting current and updated information.

Every Department has been doing an amazing job in membership recruitment for our organization this year! There is no doubt that if we keep supporting one another, stay focused, don’t look back, don’t slow down, and most of all, stay united, we WILL become a half million strong.

There are no more excuses. This year is the year that we change the direction of membership for this year, next year and years to come for “Our Veterans – Now and Forever.”
This is your time.
Past and future generations are depending on you.
No Excuse…Just Recruit!