Monday, April 18, 2016

Legislative: Guidelines for Contacting Your Legislators

Lois Callahan

2015-2016 National Legislative Ambassador

As reports come in, I can see that many of you have promoted and worked the Legislative Program.  As we approach the election of officers and the appointment of new chairmen, our work within this program should not cease. Instead, we should continue to visit with and contact our legislators as the advocates and voices of our veterans. 

The VFW Washington Office has provided guidelines for contacting your legislators. I have summarized some of those guidelines below and hope they will help you in your continued efforts. 

  • State the purpose for writing in the first sentence of your correspondence. 
  • If your letter pertains to a specific piece of legislation, identify and address it correctly:   
    • House bills are H.R. _____.
    • Senate bills are designated as S. _____.
  • Always be courteous and polite.
  • You may include personal information about why this legislation is important to you.
  • When corresponding with the Chair of a Committee or the Speaker of the House, address them as follows: 

                        Dear Mr. Chairman or Madam Chairwoman
                        Dear Mr. Speaker or Madam Speaker

As always, I thank you for all you have done and all you will continue to do for this program, our organization and our veterans.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Hospital: Plan a "Spring Fling" for Hospitalized Veterans

Grace Matz
2015-2016 National Hospital Ambassador

Spring has finally arrived! While many (myself included) are still bundled up and see that white stuff fall from the sky (in April!), we know (and hope!) that warmer weather is right around the corner.

Plan a “Spring Fling” to boost the morale of those who have been confined in a facility all winter. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to brighten someone’s life or hospital room. Dollar stores have lots of artificial flowers that would bring color and the feeling of spring to a room.

When the weather allows, many of our members volunteer to help take patients outside for a breath of fresh air. It’s the perfect time to recruit a new volunteer to join in the fun. And many facilities have a small garden, pathways, or a park-like setting. Some even have a barbecue area. Check to see what’s available and plan a small social gathering. You’ll find yourself reaping as many rewards as the patients!

As we near the end of this program year, let’s review what we’ve done:

1. Recruited a new volunteer
2. Planned an activity in a hospital
3. Recognized your volunteers
4. Participated in Veterans Voices
5. Distributed information about Veteran and Military Suicide Awareness

If you’ve done any or all of the above – Thank You! 

Our volunteers are the best and I’m so proud of everything you’re doing for this program and our veterans. Our work will continue because there are still needs to be met. It’s through all your selfless hours of giving that allows us to make a difference in the lives of so many veterans.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Chief of Staff: It's April - Time for Auxiliary Elections!

Barbara Melnick
2015-2016 National Chief of Staff/Extension

Five Essential Requirements to Maintain Status as a VFW Auxiliary:

1.      Elect and install officers for the current year in accordance with Sec. 806A.
2.      Hold at least ten (10) business meetings per year and a quorum (five) members in good standing) shall be present. (See Section 210 and 212)
3.      Bond the offices of President and Treasurer not later than August 31 of the current year. (See Section 814)
4.      Quarterly audits shall be completed in compliance with Section 814.
5.      Dues shall be transmitted on at least 10 members by February 1 of the current year. (See Section 207).

April is a very important month for all Auxiliaries. Be familiar on voting procedures; see the Booklet of Instructions – Election of Officers or the Ritual.

1.      Auxiliary Officers shall be elected by written ballot, if more than one candidate.

This is the time of year to inform new members on how an Auxiliary works. Hopefully you will get your VFW Post members involved as well. We can work wonders by working together!

Remember – A member shall not be in good standing until their dues have been paid by June 30 to remain a continuous member.
·         Prior year’s dues may not be paid after July 1.
·         Any member who has not maintained continuous membership shall submit an application and be accepted in the same manner as a new member.
·         Continuous membership begins again upon payment of dues.

Also, remember that when you institute an Auxiliary, it does not stop there! You or someone that you designate should follow up with those Auxiliary members and ask if they have any questions. Mentoring is not an overnight project; it is something that you stick with and nurture, and watch those Auxiliaries and members grow.

Every month at your meetings, read a few sections of the Bylaws to familiarize the new members and some of your longtime members. Go over the areas of:
·         How to Drape the Charter
·         Bringing a guest into the Auxiliary room
·         How to proceed in opening and closing the Bible
·         Different floor plans

Make it fun for all members attending; have a member not holding an office role play in the Chaplain duties. Maybe that will be their niche and show them how easy it is to take an office. That is mentoring - keeping your members interested and involved.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Membership: Keep it Up, America! You're Doing Great!

Joyce Bilyeu
2015-2016 National Membership Ambassador

WAY TO GO AMERICA:  We are less than three percent (3%) away from breaking a 22 year membership record of being 100%. We still have 3 months to go and I know with your continued dedication to the growth of this organization we will go beyond that goal. You have clearly sent the message to the world that our organization, and especially our veterans, matter; that our veterans did not give up on us and we DO NOT intend to give up on them. Just keep moving forward and remember that there is “No Excuse…….Just Recruit for “Our Veterans Now and Forever.”

NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP WEEK IS APRIL 10-16: You should have plans in place on what your Department will be doing to promote membership during this special week. Make sure to go to the National VFW Auxiliary website to print out all the UPDATED membership materials and resources that you might need to help with your recruiting and retention efforts.  Work with your Department’s National Certified Recruiter Trainer to assist with your recruitment efforts.

CONGRATULATIONS:  To each Department who has reached the 95% or greater milestone. Your Department will receive $500 for your recruitment efforts.

I personally thank you for your commitment to keeping your pledge in growing our organization.  In addition, congratulations go out to ALL Departments. You are all doing amazing and I know that we are all going to cross that (100% in membership) finish line together, united, as one team, working to grow our organization in order to serve our veterans and their families.

Our next milestone is to be 100+% by May 31, 2016 in order to receive $1,000 for your Department. I know all 51 Departments will earn this award.

100+% in Membership by May 31, 2016               Award = $1,000
101+ % in Membership by June 30, 2016                 $500 Bonus Award

MALE MEMBERSHIP:  So far you have all recruited nearly 16,000 males into our organization. The Department of Pennsylvania is leading the way with a total of 2,502 male members recruited. I am confident that by June 30th, you will have recruited more than 20,000 men into our organization. 

IMPORTANT REMINDER:  If continuous members’ dues are NOT paid in full by June 30th they are no longer a member of our organization. They will need to reapply and will lose any prior years of membership that they had with the VFW Auxiliary. This is something we DO NOT want to happen. Please call those members and see what can be done to keep them current. We need all the members we can to help support our veterans and their families.

·         Membership Week Promotion Award:  Remember that there is an award to the Department Membership Chairman in each membership group for the best promotion of National Membership Week. Please send me your information in order to receive recognition.
·         Symbol of Service Award:  One person will receive this very special award for the most new members recruited by May 31, 2016. Don’t forget to send in the necessary forms stating how many members you have recruited. The award will be presented at the 2016 VFW Auxiliary National Convention.
·         National Membership Achievement Award:  This is for the recruitment of 20 or more NEW members by April 30, 2016. Forms are due to National Headquarters by May 31, 2016.
·         “No Excuse…I Recruit Pin”: This for the recruitment of 5 or more NEW members. Forms are due at National Headquarters by May 31, 2016.

GREATEST AWARD OF ALL:  This award is about having the satisfaction of knowing that you are a part of something much greater than money or material things. It is about the satisfaction of knowing that YOU are making a difference in the lives of veterans and their families. It’s about being a part of an organization nearly 500,000 members strong who share a common goal of serving veterans, their families and our communities.

Remember: No Excuse…..Just Recruit!